Client K

Client: K
Service: Silver Premium Training, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Goal: Fat Loss, Nutrition Knowledge and Eduction

I originally went to Kylie because i needed help in losing my baby weight. I have always enjoyed fitness and going to the gym and thought i was healthy in my food choices. But my weight wasn't budging!

Kylie helped me understand how to train smarter, not harder and helped me gain a thorough understanding of food and nutrition.

Tracking food wasn't my strongest point at first but Kylie calmly explained everything to me until i understood it and she was so helpful and informative, answering all my questions in detail.

After the first 3 weeks i could see a major difference in my body!

I would highly recommend Kylie if you are wanting to step it up at the gym, are needing help with easing into fitness or nutrition or just a better understanding of how to incorporate healthier choices into your every day life.

Thanks Kylie!