Client A

Client: Client A
Service: Gold EliteNutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Goal: Body Comp, Overcoming Binge Eating, Improved Performance for Sport

“Kylie has been more than a trainer, she’s been a friend and a motivator. She’s shown me that food is fuel again and if you nourish yourself, the cravings are far more controlled. She was helping me during a really tricky time- moving, training for an ultra marathon and the beginning of football season. I finished up with Kylie feeling in control for the first time since I retired from professional tennis.

Kylie also made it really easy for me considering my crazy schedule. What I learnt from Kylie has helped me in so many areas of my life- professionally also and with the sports I’ve continued to play. It’s crazy how much easier life is when you fuel the body correctly.

Massive thanks Kylie!”