Cherie C

Client: Cherie C
Service: Silver Premium Training, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Goal: Body Comp, Lifestyle for Roster Work, Stress Management

“Kylie went above and beyond the realms of a coach and helped me in more ways than one. She got me the results I wanted - I reached my goal weight and I got the body composition results I was craving. Kylie’s continual guidance in my training and nutrition was fantastic and taught me so much more than I could have imagined. However, I think the main thing I learnt from Kylie did not have to do with food or exercise. Kylie taught me the importance of having a routine and looking after the pillars of my day - my morning and evening routine, even despite my shift work. 

Kylie was firm when she needed to be, but also really kind and patient. She always listened to me and gave me feedback in a supportive way, free from judgement. I would recommend her to any one looking to make a serious change!”