Morgan C

Client: Morgan C
Service: Silver Premium Training, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Goal: Body Comp, Relationship and Education with Food

“Kylie helped me to understand the importance of nutrition and smarter training to achieve my goals. Kylie supported me through every step and challenged me when I needed it. I was in a rut with my training, had put on weight since moving to the UK and was not feeling confident in myself. 

One of the biggest changes for me has been my relationship with food. I now have a healthier relationship with food where I don’t have an all or nothing mentality and I’m not using food as an emotional coping tool.

My body composition has remained stable even when my workouts have been less frequent. In the past I would workout everyday, sometimes twice a day and feel anxious if I didn’t but I was not seeing a change in my body composition.

The remote training style even with myself being based in the UK did not impact on my progress and Kylie’s level of support. 

Kylie promotes changes that are sustainable and realistic and work around your lifestyle.

Cannot thank her enough for supporting and guiding me out of the rut that I was in xx “