Kylie M

Client: Kylie M
Service: Silver Premium Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Goal: Body Comp, Relationship with food

“Six months of coaching and Kylie’s support, guidance during this time has been exceptional. The journey has been so positive, and I know will continue to be. I really connect with her approach and how sustainable it is. I have never stuck to something so consistently, so easily and with such good feeling ever before. I love the fact that she works with me from the inside out and its these changes that are changes for life. Kylie has kept me 100% accountable, is honest and up front with no sugar-coating and this is why she gets results!

A snapshot of the previous 5 months to illustrate the changes in my mindset and wellbeing;

After Month 1 - I missed a meal and was starving at the end of the day, so I had to catch up. I could tell it made me feel like eating lots, so it took a lot of willpower to stop myself and only eat what I actually needed I went to bed hungry still that day.

After Month 2 - On the whole I feel I am in a good headspace with my training and doing so little cardio. I have totally moved on from it and seeing much better results in the gym which I love.

After Month 3 - I do actually feel like the goal posts have shifted on it and the reason I feel this is because every week my emotion around food is becoming more like eating for 'FUEL' rather than choosing foods and eating around the emotion 'DIETING'

After Month 4 - The last two weeks I have felt really 'settled' and what I mean by that is emotionally and mentally settled and more confident in myself. I do not feel like I am doubting myself as much. I have seen further results in body shape, muscle and performance in the gym.

After Month 5 - Habits have changed and my mood and reactions have been far more chilled and relaxed. I have a more positive approach in general, contribute to conversations more proactively.”